Due to the high internet usage and awareness in the global digital community, our personal and other business valuable information are becoming increasingly accessible from various online domains, resources, and tools. Some of this valuable information as a result ends up in the wrong hands of attackers or intruders.
Most businesses and individuals are still downplaying the security of their information and they are not doing enough to address the fundamental reasons that security vulnerabilities exist. This is a situation we are committed to changing in Gatewaylist through professional services tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients and furthermore, through educational initiatives at Gatewaylist Professional Courses.
If your business wants to escape from “cyber hell”, then you need to be in business with Gatewaylist and your young or experienced professionals with little or no knowledge of Cyber Security know-how would need to enroll in our hands-on practical Training on Cyber Security modules that will suit your business.
Through our wealth of knowledge in this domain and knowledge of what can go wrong, we can help your organizations get off the security challenges and transition to a more proactive and systematic way of handling Cyber attacks.
The main crux of the challenges most businesses face today is as a result of the way they have chosen to implement system code and system architectural design of their whole ecosystem. Much of the applications and software we’re using today has its date from the 1970s and most of these have seen little or no overhaul. It is agreeable that our world is much different today and most of these older systems are not made to handle or process high volumes of data and other information that today’s systems deal with in both Hardware and Software layers. A good number of these systems are still tied together and entrusted to handle critical functions and voluminous tasks.
But to solve all of these challenges and problems, we do employ a new way of thinking about how to design or undertake a complete or partial overhaul of our outdated systems based on business needs and requirements.
Enquiries for Consultancy or Training Services can be addressed to: info@gatewaylists.com